2 Minute Stress Management Series (Welcome!)

We all need a toolbox that we use for managing stress. To promote emotional and physical wellness it helps to be proactive and intentional. We want to think about ways to manage stressful situations and the overall existence of stress. We can use the same toolbox for both of these! How accessible these tools feel in the moment can vary and change over time. It can be helpful to create a daily stress management routine. It’s also important to keep in mind that we often need to redesign our stress management plans as life changes occur. Using 2 minute stress management tools, even the busiest person can create positive changes.

When I was in my 20s I would wake up early to take walks, or workout in some other way. This would be followed by stretching and meditating. Although I was able to keep this up after my first child was born, once I had 3 littles it felt impossible. These tools were extremely effective in managing the over-all existence of stress in my life.

In my 30s with 3 very small kiddos, working out in the morning was just not an option, at least not consistently. One day while trying to do yoga with 3 little ones my experience all of a sudden turned into doing yoga with children on, under and jumping over me. After that, I knew something needed to change. For me, 2 minute stress management tools for the answer! Now, thanks to my education and experience as a Social Worker, I have built a beautiful toolbox full of ways to manage stress through your senses.

2 minute stress management makes it easier

Like it or not we all need stress. Stress helps us to feel motived, ambitious, and productive. Without an optimal level of stress we feel lazy, bored, and uninspired. However, if we don’t actively and intentionally manage our stress it can become too much. This leads to feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, frustrated and sometimes depressed.

Check back here for quick tips that can help you with managing stress and anxiety and to improve your emotional awareness and regulation. I’ll post a new tip about once a month!
