Getting Started with Homeschooling

When my husband and I made the decision to homeschool, we had 2 little boys, a 3 year old and a new born. Starting on this journey came with a lot of feelings. I felt lost, worried and overwhelmed. I had gone to public school, but my husband had been homeschooled from middle school on. So, he and my MIL were huge on the idea. I wasn’t so sure. I just assumed my kids would go to school; public, private, Montessori I was open to exploring anything. See my post titled, My Journey, for more of my, “come to reality,” moment with my oldest kiddo, his needs, what we were actually capable of and all the inner turmoil when I started on this journey. I will say that today I wouldn’t want to do things any other way. However, I do wish I knew then what I know now! So, here’s the stuff I wish someone had said, shown, or given me. Research, be flexible with planning, look local, think about your space, and most importantly have a plan for self-care!

Things to think about.

Think about your kiddo. Do you know how they learn best? What are their favorite activities, toys and games and how can you incorporate those into learning? Are you starting from scratch or are they coming out of school? This will make a difference! For me, my oldest had never been enrolled in school, at the time he was my only kiddo, he was super smart and had lots of energy! I knew he needed to move, loved to play and was obsessed with books. I could work with that!

Do you know the rules?

Look into the rules and regs for your state and your city/town! You can contact your school department and check out regulations with this state by state resource. There will be plenty of people with plenty of opinions on how you should do this. Figuring out what works best for your family and stays within the rules of where you live is all that matters! Rules, regulations and requirements vary greatly by location. So, take the time and know your stuff!

Learning happens when we are cozy and comfortable.

Think about your space. Create a space that is calming, comfortable and feels like home, because you are…at home! Whether it’s a book corner, a table, a desk, a cart, or just a shelf; approach this part of your homeschool experience with intention. Know that this space will continue to grow, change and evolve over time as you and your child’s needs change. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive it just needs to feel like a special space for you and child to learn together. My dream is to have a designated classroom in the house and an outdoor classroom too – maybe before my youngest (she’s 5 now) graduates high school this will happen! Dream big but start small and keep it real.

Look local!

Look local! I was shocked to learn of all the things that were already happening which we could enjoy and count towards our school time. It’s likely that your local library is doing a lot to support homeschoolers. Our town library is amazing! They offer busy boxes which go beautifully with unit studies, they also have presentations, story times, summer reading fun, and so much more. You can also look for things like Music Together and Tinkergarten if you have little ones. For kids of any age look into your local nature centers, Parks and Rec for your town and find a local group to join on social media. Programs through these organizations may cost money of varying amounts but they were essential for us whether we were at home or on the road.

A few of my favs to help you get started.

Need more resources and ideas to get you started? Check out the links below.

Pam Barnhill

“Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

― Vivian Greene