Mason Jars are Making My Fruit Last Longer!

Mason jars making my fruit last longer, I can’t believe it! I’m blown away by this! I found this tip somewhere – maybe facebook, maybe pinterest. I honestly don’t remember. However, I tried it and it works! I was so fed up with buying fruit and having it be a moldy, mushy, mess after 3 or 4 days in the refrigerator. What is that about!? So, I tried this trick and voila! Now my blueberries, blackberries and grapes are still fresh after a week!

Want your fruit to last longer? Grab some mason jars!

I don’t know about you but, I am so tired of trying to buy healthful foods for my family, just to throw money out the window! I’ve tried other tricks. Wash your fruit right away and wrap it in a paper towel before putting it in the refrigerator, they say…helped a little. Leave out on the counter, they say…epic fail. Buy this container, or that container they say…nope! Where as this super simple method has extended the freshness of my fruit to double that of anything else I’ve tried. Fruit is so expensive! I paid $10 for a bag of grapes the other day. Every little thing we can do to keep food from going to waste is worth a try!

How are mason jars making my fruit last longer?

Well, I honestly don’t know! HA! I just know that it’s working. In a continued effort to simplify, that is really all I need. Try it for yourself and see how long the mason jar trick can make your fruit last! I’m sure it’s science but for me it feels like magic! It’s probably been done this way forever and I just never knew it. So, for me it feels like this mind blowing, new discovery that I just had to share!

Here’s what you do:

  1. DON’T WASH YOUR FRUIT! – until you’re ready to eat it

2. Take it out of the package and off the vine

3. Put it in a mason jar with a tightly fitting lid

4. Stick it in the refrigerator.

For more reasons why I love Mason Jars and their many uses click here!

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