Garden Essentials – Simplify Your Gardening

Garden essentials – at least in this small-scale homestead! I have to be honest, I am not a lover of gardening. It’s not relaxing to me, or fun. It is however, very satisfying to enjoy the intrinsic value of the hard work when I harvest those beautiful plants. It’s an incredible way to connect as a family and connect with our food. I’m also looking forward to working at the farmers market! So, if you want to do what I’ve been trying to do and find the enjoyable in the unenjoyable check out what I have for you below! The secret…get the gear without breaking the bank!

Garden Essentials for Planting and Weeding

I am so lost when it comes to what to do when. Thank goodness for books, the internet and the wisdom of my MIL and husband who have more experience with this sort of thing! Below are just a couple of things we have found to be essential here.

  • Seeding Square – My mother-in-law got this for herself and because the kids would like it, and they did!
  • Basic Tools Kit – Get the basics and have what you need!

Garden Essentials for Getting Veggies in the House

So, I was feeling very frustrated with the process of bringing vegetables in the house. The dirt, veggies everywhere, no where to put them, having to get it all cleaned up and put away. It felt like it took over and made a huge mess, because it did! So, I started looking for things to make this process a bit smoother. I haven’t solved all of the issues but here’s what I found so far!

Garden Essentials for making the job more pleasant!

OH the pain! As a former cheerleader and dancer my body feels wrecked a lot of the time, especially now that I’m in my 40s. So, how was I going to do this work for my family and not be in a world of pain? How does my 80 year old MIL do this and still walk? Also, dirt…I’m not a fan. Raised beds helped for some of the garden, but still, I just can’t dig my hands right in there. I can’t stand the way it feels under my nails and sinks into the cracks in my skin. Dirt and me are just not friends. I have used some radical acceptance here to find a way to do this important work and not have it feel like torture. I know there may be people out there who truly enjoy the process of gardening but I am not that girl. Below are a few simple things that have helped me ALOT!

  • Garden Kneeling Pads – My back can’t take all the bending over, this is a pain saver.
  • Garden Gloves – I can’t stand sticking my hands into dirt, bugs, worms and whatever else. For me these are truly essential! They also let me show the kids cool things that I find in the dirt without having to actually touch them. WIN!
  • Seat for planting and weeding – My mother-in-law loves this thing!

Good luck with your own adventures in gardening!

To see more on our small scale homesteading experience click here!

For more on ways that we are trying to simplify life click here!

*This post contains affiliate links. This means I may earn a commission should you chose to sign up for a program or make a purchase using my links. I only post links for products that I have already bought or would be willing to buy myself.
