Rock Your Farmers Market! (FREE CHECKLIST!)

Rock your farmers market stand! So, we just started doing farmers markets this year and I have already learned so much! I have done a ton of events, sales and marketing in the past. I did marketing for a sunroom company, trying to sell sunrooms at fairs, home shows and even the mall during the holidays. No one wants a sunroom at the mall during the holidays, but I did it! I have also done a whole lot of outreach and marketing as a social worker, for 2 college counseling centers and Canines for Disabled Kids. So, it was easy enough for me to put all of what I had learned from those former jobs into our family’s farmers market stand. THEN I learned a whole lot more! Grab the FREE checklist below to start rocking your farmers market stand!

Rock Your Farmers Market – build community AND get sales!

Farmers Markets are often in smaller communities. It’s important to keep in mind that these events are about more than making money from your products. If you want to rock your farmers market you have to think about building community. The key to having a successful farmers market experience is to build connections and community, and be consistent. Consistency is super important! Show up, bring the same positive energy every time, be personable, bring the same quality products every time! Shift your focus from making sales, to connecting with people and you will do well!

Think about your needs

If you want to rock your farmers market experience you need to be comfortable. Bring food, water, sunblock, shade and layers for cooler days. Our first market day this year was 40 degrees and raining…in JUNE! The following week it was 80s and sunny! Be prepared! Think about your footwear as well. I have a habit of shopping at the market. I love to shop! It helps to have in mind an amount you are ok with spending before you even get your stand set up. Otherwise, you’ll do what I did the first week and spend more than you make. Bringing food and water can help you to not spend frivolously.

Your costumers’ needs!

Rocking your farmers market means thinking about what your costumers will need! Display your prices, have a neat and organized table, and have change ready! Do your products need a bag to be easily carried away? You might consider a card reader. Many people do not carry cash these days. There are many ways to turn your cell phone into a card reader. It’s never been easier and many cost very little. We use Zettle through Pay Pal. It’s super easy and the app on my phone helps me track sales of any payment type!

Keep in mind that presentation matters. They need to be able to see what they’re buying and how much it costs. Don’t make them search for information, make your table neat, clean and presentable, have your prices displayed clearly. You can do a lot for a little! I use brightly colored plastic bins from the dollar store, a neutral colored vinyl table cloth from Walmart, a simple chalk board sign and some silk floral arrangements that I arranged to brighten things up. In addition to veggies I also sell the floral arrangements, they then serve a dual purpose.

Most importantly, they need you to be there! Be consistent, be patient with growing your following. People will want to know you, they will recognize you and they will look forward to seeing you every week!

Here’s some helpful links to get your veggies ready!

  • How to harvest, wash and park lettuce for the farmers market – Click Here!
  • Farmers Market Tips and Tricks – Click Here!
  • Getting Started as a vendor – Click Here!

For more on my experience with gardening, the farmers market, and small-scale homesteading click here!
