10 Ways to Simplify Your Life

Here are the 10 ways to simplify your life that you’ve been waiting for! So many of us go in search of a more simple life. I am one of those many. I’ve read books and blogs, listened to podcasts and chatted with other people who seem to have it all together. I don’t have it all figured out yet but I’m definitely getting somewhere! I have gone in the last year from being someone who was often anxious, over prepared, over packed, over scheduled and was overwhelmed easily to someone who brings what we need, plans ahead but not to excess, and practices saying, “no,” to things often. Small changes have gone a long way for me and my family.

Try these 10 easy ways to simplify your life

  1. Pack light – I used to be so worried we would be out with the kids and not have every single thing we would need to occupy them, feed them, change their clothes if needed, etc. Now, to be fair mine are just big enough that I can relax a little with this but we still have ridiculous things happen when we’re out and about. I’m learning what activities require the extra stuff and what ones do not. I’m experimenting with this and it’s really helping. I’m also helping to build resilience in my kiddos by not being prepared for every possible little thing.
  2. Keep essentials in the car – hand sanitizer and/or sanitizing wipes, tissues, napkins or paper towels, bags for trash, a stocked up first aid kit, and blankets, sweat shirts or jackets.
  3. Garden overwhelm getting you down? – Automate your watering system and break your garden into zones. Tend to each zone on a schedule so you don’t feel the need to work in the entire garden every day.
  4. Say, “No” – Saying, “no,” isn’t insulting or rude! It’s about creating boundaries and not overloading you and your family. Check out my post on Saying, “No”
  5. Mason jars for drinking glasses – this eliminates arguing over who has what cup, they’re harder to break than regular glasses, and have multiple other uses!
  6. Mason jars for making fruit last longer – huge for the longevity of your fruit either store bought or from your garden *Learn more about the many reasons that I love mason jars – Here
  7. Your kids are more capable than you think – let them help in small ways as young as possible. It will help them to feel important, needed and to start to understand what it means to be part of the family. In the long run you feel less like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, at least around the house.
  8. Try using 2 min stress management tools and managing stress through your senses! Managing stress can be easy and accessible. Check out my 2min Stress Management Series! Creating time for self-care is essential but not easy! With these tips you CAN do it!
  9. Shop at small farmers markets and farm stands! – the prices are often better than the stores, the quality is often better too. Smaller towns or farmstands will often have the best deals and the best produce, honey, flowers and baked goods.
  10. Over scheduled? – When it’s too late to say, “no,” because you’ve already said, “yes,” or life just isn’t giving you any options try this – Split things up. Make use of your least busy moments by prepping meals, getting clothes out for the next day, the night before, setting your alarm for 15 min earlier than you need to and putting it on the other side of the room, schedule the house work so that you can do it in smaller chunks. Have self-compassion and leave room for self-care too, even if it’s 2 minutes. Most importantly, you’ll want to try to create a plan for simplifying your schedule in the future.

No cookie cutter approach

There’s no cookie cutter approach to finding more peace, joy and simplicity in life. There will always be some of amount of stress and chaos, especially if you have kids You have to find the things that work for you. The list I shared included 10 of the ways we have simplified our life. These things have helped in so many ways, some big, some small. Taking small steps to simplify can create space for more joy, more self-care, more time together and less overwhelm.

Book Suggestions!

I know, who has time to read! If you can find a moment or two in your day these are great! Even if I wasn’t able to implement some of the things in these books, they did inspire me! They inspired me to find my own ways to simplify my family’s life. I’ve gone through many phases of life where simpifying would have been easier or more difficult. You just have to be aware of where you are in life, what your barriers are, and create a plan for creating positive changes. The goal is to enjoy this one life that we have, at least some of the time. To look back and say, “I did things for me, for my family and I also made room and found the quiet and simple moments – noticed them and found joy in them.”

Best of luck in creating your version of simplicity.
