*Not my horse but it brings me joy to live next door!

Welcome to Sagebrush Simplicity. My name is Lynn and I’m so excited to share my journey with you! I’m a Social Worker, Intuitive Eating Counselor, and Homeschool Mama to 3 little ones. We also have a crazy, smart, super sweet Border Collie. I love tea, mindfulness, live music, homeschooling my kiddos and this beautiful place we live.

I’m a city girl turned country. I turned in my yoga pants for jeans, and concrete for acres of fields. I’m constantly searching for ways to simplify life for myself and for my family. A few years ago I made a huge move across the country from Massachusetts to Idaho. With me, I had my husband, our 3 kids and some extended family. Also, we had several cats with us. Watch for a post on our becoming, “accidental cat farmers,” soon. I’m coming to you in the midst of this journey. I started writing Sagebrush Simplicity to share all that I have learned and am still learning and hoping that it helps someone on their journey.

Here at Sagebrush Simplicity, you will find posts where I share my journey. Thank you for joining me to explore homeschooling, small ways to simplify your life, self-care as a busy mom, and small scale homesteading. You will also find links to resources that have been helpful to me and my family and some that I just think are cool. This is a great place to find resources, ideas and inspiration! I’m so glad that you’re here!

Through Sagebrush Simplicity it is my intention to share fun, creative, and accessible resources and ideas. Whether you’re homeschooling, homesteading, or just have a lot on your plate, life can be hard. Check out my 2min Stress Management Series and Homeschooling with Littles series! I hope that these posts help you to find joy, calm, and inspiration in small ways. Thanks for visiting! Come back soon!
